ATTENTION: For People Who Like Hard Kettlebell Workouts...

"Tough As Nails Kettlebell Workouts For Those Who Like Challenges"

From the Desk of Geoff Neupert, Master Kettlebell Instructor

Overlooking Pike's Peak, Colorado, USA

Dear Friend,


Let me ask you a question:


Do you like "hardcore workouts?"


Ones that make you dig deep, go to your "happy place," and test your resolve?


Ones that are reminiscent of football, wrestling, volleyball, gymnastics, or maybe even boot camp?


Me too. 


Problem is -


Most hardcore kettlebell workouts these days are either"minimalist" in nature -


One or two exercises...


Repeated for a crap-ton of reps...


That bores the snot right out of you.


(300 Swings is 200 too many in my book - know what I mean?)


Or -




A non-stop high-rep fest of calisthenics and Barbie-sized weights, combined with some form of “athletic conditioning.” 


What you need are workouts that are not only hard -


But use a variety of exercises that force you to use every muscle in your body.


You tracking with me here?


If so, keep reading to learn how these new secret Cuban training methods will get you results faster than you thought possible...


First, here's some "Tough Love"...

Look, Most People Don’t Know That All Kettlebell Exercises 

Are NOT Created Equal.

Many trainers mistakenly use the kettlebell like the dumbbell.


They throw together workouts that use traditional exercises like rows, lunges, curls, lateral raises, etc., and by doing so...


They miss the transformative power of the pendular motion of kettlebell exercises like the 2-Hand Swing, the Clean, and the Snatch.


Worse -


They miss the extra muscle-recruiting, strength-building power the offset kettlebell handle has on your upper body and abs.


Unfortunately -


Even inside the “kettlebell world,” many miss out because they stick with the most basic entry level exercises and don’t know…

The 5 LEVELS of Kettlebell Training

There are 5 levels of kettlebell training.


Each is more complex, and therefore more challenging.


And because each successive level is more challenging than the former one…


… the higher you go up the “ladder,” or “pyramid” in this case -


The better results you get, and the faster you get them.


Here’s a quick rundown -

LEVEL 1: Single Kettlebell Exercise - Swings (2 Hand & 1 Hand), Turkish Get Ups, Goblet Squats


Builds the foundation for all kettlebell training and Level 2 & 4 exercises. They yield powerful results by themselves. 


LEVEL 2: Single Kettlebell Exercise - Clean, Military Press, Snatch, Push Press, Jerk


Produces more demand on the body and therefore larger, stronger adaptation in muscles, strength, and conditioning.


LEVEL 3: Power, power-endurance, and strength-endurance training with LEVEL 1 & 2 exercises (the ability to maintain form in the face of fatigue)


Challenges your prowess with Level 1 & 2 exercises through more sophisticated programming. 


LEVEL 4: Double Kettlebell - Swing, Clean, Squat, Military Press, Snatch, Push Press, Jerk, and assistance exercises


Demands focus and produces exponential change in physical capability.


Exercises for high achievers who only insist on the best out of themselves. 


LEVEL 5: Power, power-endurance, and strength-endurance training with LEVEL 4 exercises (the ability to maintain form in the face of fatigue)


Level 5 programming develops and refines an “Iron Will,” along with high performance outputs, that make every day living and activities effortless.


Level 5 programming breeds confidence, so you feel like you can fight a grizzly bear your bare hands. 


And Level 5 programming makes your body start to look like it’s carved from granite, garnering extra attention from your wife, spouse/significant other, and even your co-workers.



Since most people don’t know the 5 levels exist, they also don’t know -

The 80/20 Rule of Kettlebell Training

 Because if they did - 


They would “RUN,” and not walk their way to Level 5!


See, these 5 levels of kettlebell workouts are based on your kettlebell proficiency…


… Your skill at using kettlebells and performing all the different exercises.


And that’s because -

Each New Level Yields Faster and

More Noticeable Results

Following the

80/20 Rule. 

Also known as the “Pareto Principle,” the 80/20 Rule states that -

80% of Your Outcomes or Outputs Are A Result of 20% of Your

Inputs or Causes.

In the kettlebell world, extreme, head-turning results, come from a very select few exercises, implemented in specialized plans - 


And these are the 20% found in LEVEL 5 programming.


For example:


You’ll see faster gains in your conditioning, fat loss, and upper body muscularity when you learn how to perform and use the Snatch - a Level 2 exercise, over the Swing - a Level 1 exercise.


And that’s because the Snatch requires you to produce more force to put that kettlebell over your head… 


And that requires more strength to “catch” the weight in the backswing…


Both of which make you do more work, thus getting you results faster.


It’s just simple physics.


The same is true for Level 4.


The double kettlebell Clean + Press programmed correctly...


... Is like a succulent filet mignon when compared to the Level 1 Swing, which can be compared to the “Mystery Meat” you used to eat for elementary school lunch.

This of course, begs the question -

What Does LEVEL 5 Programming

Look Like?

LEVEL 5 programming is power, power-endurance, and strength-endurance training.


Medium loads, performed explosively, usually with longer duration sets, and specific rest periods.


There are several different programming formats, but the best of them all is -


You may have heard of complexes or even used them before in your training.


However, it’s unlikely you’ve used any like these.


(Unless you have my book, Kettlebell Muscle, which is currently out of print).


And that’s because most kettlebell complexes - 


  • Use weights that are too light...

    Turning the complex into a sloppy-technique endurance-fest, which unnecessarily exposes you to a shoulder or lower back injury.

  • Use the incorrect rest periods...

    Resting too little, which makes force output, and therefore strength and muscle growth next to impossible.

  • Use the same complex over and over again with little if any variety (variable overload)...

    So you burn out quickly or get bored out of your mind.

So How Do LEVEL 5 Kettlebell Complexes Deliver Faster, More Explosive Results Than Any You've Tried Before?

Great question.


But before I answer that, you might be wondering why you should listen to me.


In case we haven't met, I'm Geoff Neupert. And I'm a former StrongFirst and RKC Master Kettlebell Instructor and have been training myself and others alll over the world with kettlebells since January 2002. (Yes, that's a long time.)


You could even say that I "wrote the book" on Kettlebell Complexes over a decade ago -

Which went on to become a cult classic, with people still routinely asking how they can get their hands on it.

And that's because my kettlebell complexes aren't designed like the common run-of-the-mill ones you see on social media or the rest of the internet.


Unlike other kettlebell complexes you might have seen or tried that make you repeat the same complex over and over again for the same sets and reps each workout...


My kettlebell complexes are different because they're based upon a training methodology which I call -  

"Cuban Programming"

Cuban Programming is the combination of Soviet Weightlifting Methodology and Sports Science and American Powerlifting Cycling, specially adapted to accommodate the Western Stress-Filled Lifestyle.


  • You’ll never do the same workout twice in one week, so you won’t get bored.


  • Your workout length varies from session to session, allowing your body to recover faster, so you make faster progress.


  • You balance “Light” (but still hard) workouts with “Heavy” (and even harder) workouts to stimulate maximum change inside your body.


  • You work all the muscles in your body using “Big Lifts” to stimulate a maximum muscular and hormonal response, so you see rapid changes in the way you look and feel.

  • Your mind, will, and emotions are constantly challenged, so you feel like you got a great workout, while you continually challenge yourself without burning out, and you can make progress week after week after week.


  • You will work out (hard) for 10 to 30 minutes per day - 3X a week, so that you can still challenge yourself and “get a good workout” while still having the time and more importantly - ENERGY - left to spend with your kids and family…

How Come You've Never Heard Of Cuban Programming 



You weren’t trained by my weightlifting coach, Alfonso Duran.

"Everyday Joe’s" Should NOT

Train Like Athletes…


Kettlebell HARD! is your one-stop-shop for challenging kettlebell complexes.


It’s not just one program, but TWENTY (20) different kettlebell complex programs...

(NOT workouts – programs
– all between 6 and 9 weeks long)...


Each one designed to challenge you, burn off stress, blast fat off your midsection, restore your strength, and give you extra time and energy back with your family, kids, and friends...

In right around 60 to 90 minutes of workouts each week - 


Depending on your current conditioning levels and how hard you like to push yourself.

What Makes
Kettlebell HARD!
Complexes Superior?

Here's a side-by-side comparison of Kettlebell HARD! complexes using Cuban Programming versus "Traditional" complexes.

Here’s EXACTLY What You’ll

Find Inside Kettlebell HARD!

  • Nutrition: The Nuts 'N Bolts - the simplest, easiest way to eat for fat loss. (The 7 Steps To Super Leanness)
  • The benefit of timed sets v. prescribed rep sets
  • Coaching Tips: Gleaned from almost 30 years of in-the-trenches coaching experience (You can't buy this stuff - it's virtually priceless.)

Here's a rundown of the programs inside Kettlebell HARD!:

  • The Shoulder Smoker - a 6 week sasquatch of a program designed to do exactly what it says...
  • The Olympic 3.0 - six weeks of snatches, presses, cleans, jerks, and front squats, all seamlessly woven into a tapestry of torment and guaranteed to make you strong and lean
  • The Basic - Another six week smoker done for time, centered around the basic double KB exercises. Don't let this one fool you - it's basic but brutal.
  • The Long Haul - One of my personal favorites. It's kind of like driving cross-country - you'll wonder if you're "there yet" but without the sore butt from sitting. (It'll come from all the ballistics instead - Ha!) The upside is that you won't wonder where your body fat went - you'll know you've been leaving along the way.
  • The Up and Over - A 9-week miracle of madness - this program is the first to specifically alternate challenges between your posterior chain and your anterior chain. Guaranteed to crush your abs on Day 3, but not your spirit!
  • Clean 'Em Up - Six weeks of fun focused on the most underrated of all double KB exercises - the Clean, which is what your technique will be when you're through with this program.
  • Ballistic Beatdown - This 6 week fat burner will strip off the most stubborn fat. The sheer amount of work you'll be doing will see to that.
  • The Wolf - Based around the concept of the "Legs feed the wolf," this beauty will challenge every last fiber of your being - both body and mind. Day 3 is as painful as it looks, but the outcome is a set of legs that won't quit, lungs that don't care, and of course, less body fat.
  • The "A & P" - Just like the food chain, only you won't go out of business cause you've got all exits covered and you don't get out without paying. This lovely alternates between taxing your anterior and posterior chains, tying up any weakness and leaving it bound in the corner.
  • Lucky 13 - What's so lucky about this program? The introduction of a not-often used exercise in the KB world, but one that increases "metabolic stress" and EPOC. You'll feel lucky that you only have to do this exercise 2 out of the 3 days…
  • Oh Row You Don't 2.0 - Oh no! More rows! This doozie will pull the fat off you like paint thinner on a varnished piece of furniture. Day 2 is especially fun…
  • You Don't Know Squat 2.0 - Discover the joy of the squat just like the Hungarians did at the August 2009 RKC. Guaranteed to cement your technique and jack up your heart rate and your metabolic rate.
  • Sir Snatch-a-Lot - Do you love the double snatch? Well turn your love into a full-blown passionate romance with this 6 week program designed for what else but increasing lactic acid, jacking up your heart rate, and prolonging your EPOC…
  • The Upper Back Attack - Guys will love the way this will chisel off the chub and pack on the mass in all the right places. Perfect prep for pool parties…
  • The Universe - Can you ever do too many swings? And if so, could you ever do too many in a complex? You're about to find out as all roads lead to swings in this 6 week swing sensation.
  • Jerk Werk - As serious as a Bavarian auto engineer, this frauline will have you shouting "Nein!" faster than an Audi on the Autobahn. Lots of work on your Jerks. And everything else.
  • Herky Jerky - Similar to "Wooly Bully" by the Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs, but without the cool beat. This little baby will have your heart pounding to the rhythm of a different drum - one that sounds like techno, not classic rock n' roll! 9 weeks later and it'll sound like smooth jazz...

But it gets even better.

Unlock The Hidden Power Of "Chains!"

You may or may not know what “Chains” are.


Chains are similar to complexes, only performed differently.


You still perform a sequence of exercises in a row, but you’ll do it one rep at a time before you repeat the sequence again.


Here’s what it looks like:


(Swing + Snatch + Press + Front Squat) x5


So you’ll do those four exercises in a row 1 rep at a time. That is one rep. Then you’ll repeat that sequence another four times.

The difference between chains and complexes is this:

You can do more work with chains, and therefore burn even more calories than you can with complexes, because your muscles aren't getting as tired from doing all your reps in a row.

However, you absolutely want to use complexes as the base for your fat loss efforts though because they produce higher levels of lactate, and therefore a greater growth hormone release than chains.


For best results, alternate your programs between complexes and chains to take advantage of the different fat loss mechanisms they each bias.

It’s not an “either / or” decision – it’s a “Both!” decision!


Here’s why I’m telling you about Chains:


Because each one of the Kettlebell HARD! programs can (and should) be used as chains as well as complexes.

That means you no longer have only 20 programs inside Kettlebell HARD!but almost FORTY, (40) challenging programs at your fingertips!

That’s right – almost FORTY!


That’s almost 5 years of kettlebell programs laid out for you.


Imagine what you could look like with these kinds of challenging kettlebell workouts laid out for you at your fingertips...


You'd feel practically invincible (and probably look that way too)!


However, that's not all you'll be getting today.


When you grab your copy of Kettlebell HARD! today, I'll also throw in -

The Rutgers Files

Here's something really tough10 different barbell complexes I used with the Rutgers Wrestling team from 1997-2000 that helped lean them out while giving them unlimited energy and unstoppable power on the mat. Yours for the taking. ($19.95 Value)

5 Ways to mix barbell and kettlebells in the same workouts, PLUS -  3 "Cuban Programming" Plans to help you do so. NO guesswork.  

Just "Bolt On" the barbell workouts on top of your Kettlebell HARD! workouts and watch the "magic" happen. 

($97 Value)

How Much Does 
Kettlebell HARD!

$77 $47

Why so dirt cheap, especially when compared to my other programs?




I'm tired of seeing stand-alone garbage "kettlebell workouts" being hawked by "experts" looking to make a fast buck pass their way through my inbox.


Normally, I'd keep my mouth shut but this is my way of looking out for the "Average Joe and Jane" and shutting these hucksters down.


I figure when you get a taste of REAL, professionally designed, "hard core" challenging kettlebell programs, you'll be hooked and together we'll put those clowns out of business. 


Everybody (but them) wins!


So grab your copy of the Kettlebell HARD! "Tough As Nails" Package today - just click the button below!

"How Do I Know This Will Work For Me?"

In today's day and age, you have to deliver the goods, otherwise word travels fast and you're out of business. 


That's why whenever you buy my products, you're always covered by my -

60 Day No Hassle Money Back Guarantee

The fact of the matter is, my programs get results when you do them. So take Kettlebell HARD! out for a serious test-drive.


Ride any one of these programs hard – and if you’re not thrilled with your results – just send me a copy of your training journal showing me you actually did the work...


... And I’ll give you a prompt and courteous refund, no questions asked. 


But – a word of warning – these programs are simple, not easy. They're challenging and you may even question your manhood. 


They're that hard.

So these programs aren’t for tire-kickers and looky-loo’s.


They’re only for serious people who love to challenge themselves and don’t mind working hard for about 60 to 90 minutes a week to get the kind of results they want.


If that’s not you, and you’re looking for some kind of magic pill – then keep your money – I don’t want it – and don’t buy Kettlebell HARD! – it’s not for you.


Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, the bottom line is this:


You can’t lose. You either get results or you get your money back. Period. (And of course, you keep the bonuses.)


Thanks for reading this letter. 


I hope you decide you're up for these "Tough As Nails" Kettlebell HARD! complexes.


Once you are, do me a favor and drop me an email after your first week letting me know how you feel.


Stay Strong,


Strength Coach, Kettlebell Expert

Geoff Neupert has been training people from all walks of life since 1993: From athletes, grandmothers, post-rehab, to military.


He’s been training his clients and himself with kettlebells since 2002 and has been called by some, a “Kettlebell OG.” He was a Master Instructor with two different kettlebell instructor certifications - the RKC (Russian Kettlebell Challenge) and StrongFirst. He was also the StrongFirst Education Manager from 2013-2014.


He has travelled the world teaching others how to become kettlebell instructors and has taught his own intermediate and advanced Kettlbell Burn, Kettlebell Muscle, and Kettlebell STRONG! kettlebell workshops.


He’s published books like Kettlebell Muscle, training courses like THE BIG 6 and Kettlebell STRONG!, and popular kettlebell workout programs like Kettlebell Burn, Kettlebell EXPRESS!, and Kettlebell Burn EXTREME!...
Geoff is the co-creator of Original Strength Systems, a movement restoration company called, which helps people restore and rebuild their ability to move like a kid again, and taught that system all over the world too.


Geoff is a former Division 1 Strength & Conditioning Coach at Rutgers University where he trained athletes from 26 different teams. He also is a former National Qualifier and State Champion in the sport of Olympic Weightlifting.


He’s married to a beautiful woman and has two amazing kids.

NOTE: Kettlebell HARD! and the bonuses are digital files. They will be made available for immediate download upon purchase via email instructions. These instructions will be sent to the email with which you purchased the program and videos. 

DISCLAIMER: Due to recent statements from the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC), I must disclose what “typical” results using these programs will be. The results expressed in this letter are the results of one man, the results of others who have used the program, and my results as a professional coach, who's trained people for 28 years. You should not expect you will experience the exact same results, as we are all different people. Different people have different results. Just good common sense. Back to the FTC: Typically, the average person will become really excited after reading this letter and will purchase this product thinking it’s some sort of magical pill. They will either never print out the programs and do them, or do one workout and think it’s “too ha-a-a-r-r-r-d” (said in the best whiney voice ever) and abandon their attempts. So, the typical, average person will do nothing and “hope” for change. So their results will be zero. Your results, should you wish to “not be typical,” or "not be average," are completely dependent on your ability to actually do the work, as written in the programs - not your "interpretation" of the programs - and follow through. Again, this is not a magic bullet. Unicorns do not exist. And there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.








Sozo, LLC, 121 S. Tejon St, Suite 900, Colorado Springs, CO 80903.